28 Years Later
In fourth grade I started at a new school. I didn't have any friends and was a little nervous. We didn't know anybody yet because the house wasn't quite finished. Well 28 years later things certainly changed didn't they. Like Julie said lots of memories have happened in that house. I didn't know that I would be so sad to maybe see the last of that house. I am so excited for Mom and Dad and their new house it is awesome. It will be perfect for them. I was thinking about some of the things I remember growing up there. I tried so hard to see Santa for several years I think I finally gave up because I couldn't stay awake long enough. I would sit on the stairs and look under the door waiting for Santa and would always wake up from sleeping on the stairs and Santa had already come. Stacy and Julie aren't the only ones who would have to leave from the dinner table because of laughing, I might add that it was not just laughing, but out of control girl laughing. I got to come back and have mom baby me after Avery was born and just be taken care of. I feel really lucky to live so close to mom and dad and the kids have already asked me what they are going to do without grandma and grandpa within bike riding distance. Mom told Avery that pretty soon he would have his license so he could still come visit. I love that old house and all the memories I have from living there. Thanks mom and dad for letting us grow up there and congrats on the new house I know it will be just as loving a place for us to come to as the old one.
Hey, your kids can still ride bikes over and visit me and Janae, we like company too.
Welcome to the blog scene, you hip chick!
jm is suppose to say marie, I thought I fixed that.